Off-roaders, campers, fishermen, outdoorsmen, photographers, surfers and musicians: they create things, they explore, they embark on adventures and then gather around the campfire to share those experiences with their friends. This blog is our attempt to capture the warmth and glow of the campfire and share those conversations and laughter with the world.

A little over three years ago (March 1, 2014) the small but passionate team of adventurers at Chief Products toasted our first sale. On that day, beer in hand, we set-out to introduce our culture of enthusiasm and rumbling appetite for adventure to an ever-wider audience by building products that enable adventurous spirits to venture out and experience the majesty and freedom of nature.
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It may seem like we’ve been quiet lately, but behind the scenes it’s been foot-to-the-floor, full-speed-ahead. A little over 8 months ago, we realised that growth of 300% per year (for the last 3 years in a row) meant we needed to make some changes. We needed more staff, a larger warehouse, a modernised inventory tracking system, but most importantly we needed a new factory. I’m proud to announce those changes will be 100% complete this December. We’re still not one of the big guys, but we’ve definitely taken the next step.
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