Five days playing in the dirt with 100s of other Jeep owners from all around Australia sounded like an epic idea. So we packed the WK2 and drove 1000km south to the 2015 Jeep Jamboree.
On The Road To Jambo
We packed the essentials and made a hasty retreat away from the city sprawl in the wee hours of the morning. We were several hours down the road when the sun began to light the sky with a warm orange glow. We stopped for a quick road trip breakfast, took a few photos and then pointed the WK2 south again towards Jambo. Long stretches of flat road, small towns, wheat fields, tunnelled trees and even a few cows greeted us along the way to the gathering in Rydal, NSW.
We rolled into Jambo after dark and after some brief discussions with the organisers we pointed our headlights into camp. With camp setup and our gear stowed away, we sat under the stars and enjoyed a few cold beers. We’d arrived.
Jeep Jambo
We woke Friday morning and watched as the sun poured through the trees. The morning was a bit crisp, but the temperature rose with the sun. Before I knew it I was in discussion with Jeepers from all around Australia. The Chief Products WK2 was drawing lots of attention and I thoroughly enjoyed answering questions about our products and talking Jeep with other off-road adventure seekers. Before long it was time to venture off and choose who we’d be riding with for the day. At an event with over 200 Jeeps there were plenty of choices.
Scenic views and tight trails gave way to lunch at the base of a large rocky hill by a waterfall. Sadly there were already a few breakdowns out on the trails, but the Jeep family responded quickly with helping hands and encouraging advice. Twisted rock faces required some advanced winching for the wounded, but it was worth the views along the top ridge. There’s no doubt we had a great day on the trails laughing and making new compadres.
Friday night was spent under the moon, huddled in the warmth of a fire on a chilled night, sharing whiskey and a meal among good friends.
Saturday morning after an epic breakfast we lifted the WK2 into Off-Road II and rolled it into the Show & Shine competition along with 100s of other damn good looking Jeeps. There were Jeeps of all kinds, from old flat fender military Jeeps and Willy’s pickups to decked out JKs with Superchargers. I even saw an old CJ7 Renegade similar to one I drove when I was a teenager. With the WK2 on display we ventured off to make new friends and catch up with old ones. It was an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face and talk smart with some of the most talented Jeep people around Australia.
Of course it was a Jeep event so it wasn’t long before everyone was itching to get out on the trails. Rock strewn hill climbs and scenic river crossings marked the days events. It gave us plenty to talk about at the big roast dinner provided by Jambo that evening. A blur of raffles and auctions lead to a lot of smiling faces. We even nabbed one of the Show & Shine awards from earlier in the day. After a few beers we found ourselves back at camp around the campfire listening to the band in the distance.
Three weeks before Jambo I was laying on a doctors operating table while he poked and prodded my cervical spine. He gave me the nod of approval for the event, but encouraged me to take it easy. I have to admit I was a bit sore from the long drive and 2 days of off-roading so close after my surgery, but out on the trails covered in dust and sun, I realised what it was doing for my spirit more than made up for it.
On Sunday we decided it might be a good idea to head home a day early. We tackled a few trails in the morning but made our way back to camp early for some last minute handshakes before breaking camp and starting the journey home.
The Journey Home
After several days climbing rocky trails, lifting wheels and making friends it was time to pack up and start the journey home. Covered in dust and smiling like a cheshire we rolled out of camp. This time instead of a 15 hour marathon drive we stopped half way for a few cold beers at the local before getting some shut eye. The next morning we woke with the roosters and scrammed back home to see smiling faces waiting.
A huge applause and a firm handshake to the Sydney Jeep Club for organising such an epic event. We had a damned good time and brought home a lot of good memories to share with the crew.
If you love watching video of 4x4s tackling fun trails, lifting wheels and rumbling their way to the top of hills, I suggest you check out our youtube channel, (www.youtube.com/ChiefProducts). We posted a short video of the Chief Products WK2 tackling the ‘Test Track’ at the Jambo. Check it out.